0:00 使徒约翰是新约中唯一称呼上帝为“我就是”的作家。伟大的“我就是”对你发出火热的警告。了解这位真正有权威的强大神,以及他如何体验真正的自由和喜悦——接下来,在大卫的钥匙节目中,和杰拉尔德·弗拉里一起。

0:00 The Apostle John was the only New Testament  writer to call God by the name “I AM.” The great “I AM” is a fiery warning to you. Learn  about this powerful God of real authority—and how He experienced true freedom and joy—next,  on The Key of David, with Gerald Flurry.  

0:21 大家好。使徒约翰是唯一一个真正讨论“我就是”的福音作者。“我就是”是什么?对你来说意味着什么?犹太人对“我就是”了解很多,但当他们与他面对面时,他们并不知道那么多。那时情况就不同了,这让他们感到震惊。然后基督说了一些话,仅仅一句话就让他们更加震惊,这对他们来说是一个警醒。所以这对我们每个人来说都是一个严肃的警告。这是针对我们所有人的,当然也包括任何相信新约的人,这对我们至关重要。所以请注意它所说的。“因此我对你们说,”这是第八章的第24节。约翰福音第8章第24节,“因此我对你们说,你们必在罪中死去;因为如果你们不相信我就是,”我就是”“他”,翻译者加上了这个词,但其实不应该加上,因为这实际上模糊了意思,而不是帮助你理解。它应该直接读作“如果你们不相信”我就是”;”就这样!但请注意这段经文是多么严肃,它无疑是我们得救的一个重要经文!所以我们必须对此保持关注。这里有一个火热的警告,我们需要深入理解。

0:21 Greetings, everyone. The Apostle John is the only  Gospel writer to really discuss about the “I Am.” What is the I Am? What does it mean to YOU? The Jews knew a lot about the I Am, but they didn’t know nearly as much when  they came face-to-face with Him. THEN it was a different matter, and it shocked them. And  then Christ spoke some words, and it shocked them even MORE with just one little sentence, and it  was sobering to them, you can be sure. So it’s a sober warning verse to really each one of us. It  is for ALL of us, for anybody that believes in the New Testament certainly, and it’s VITAL to us. So notice what it says. “I said therefore,” this is verse 24 of chapter 8. John 8 and verse 24,  “I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die IN YOUR SINS: for if ye believe not that I am,”  and it says “he,” the translators put that there, but that should not have been put there because  it OBSCURES the meaning really, rather than help you understand. It just should read, “if  you believe NOT that I am;” that’s it! But notice how sobering this Scripture is, and it’s  certainly an essential verse to our salvation! So we have to be concerned about it. There is a fiery  warning here that we need to understand deeply.

2:12 让我再读一遍给你听,只是为了让你明白这件事有多么严重。第24节,“所以我对你们说,你们要在罪中死去;因为如果你们不相信我就是,”那么你知道什么,我们又知道什么关于“我就是”?我们必须理解这一点。这是我们救恩的重要部分,也是我们被上帝拯救所绝对必要的东西。

2:12 So let me read that to you one more time just  to show you how serious it really is. Verse 24, “I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die  in your sins: for if ye believe not that I am,” so what do you know and what do we know  about “I Am”? We have to understand this. It is a significant part of our salvation, and something  absolutely necessary for us to be saved by God.  

2:49 注意约翰福音18章5节。经文中说——基督问这些人他们在寻找谁,他们回答说,拿撒勒人耶稣。耶稣对他们说:“我就是。” 这在旧约或希伯来圣经中有很好的阐述。基督正以你能想象的所有权威和上帝的权柄对他们说,他想向他们解释“我就是”。然后他说,那就是我。当他说出这句话时,确实让人感到震惊。

2:49 Notice John 18 and verse 5. It says—Christ  asked these men whom they were seeking and they answered, Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus said  unto them, “I am.” Now, this is covered very well in the Old Testament or the Hebrew Bible.  And Christ is just saying to them with all the authority you can imagine and the government  of God, that He wanted to explain to them about the “I am.” And then He said, That’s Me. Now,  that was a real shocker when He said that.  

3:38 第六节,事情是这样的:“他一说‘我就是’的时候,他们就退后,倒在地上。”那么,他们对“我就是”知道些什么,以至于让他们向后倒下,跌倒在地呢?想想这真是令人震惊,有人会这样反应,他们一定对旧约或希伯来圣经中的“我就是”有很多了解。他们必须知道很多。因此,他当然是旧约的神,他在被钉十字架前不久与他们交谈,他们需要理解这一点。所以犹太人知道这个“我就是”是一个有权威的神,是一个在希伯来圣经和新约中确实发表过大胆声明的神。他统治着以色列,犹太人对此非常清楚,并且对他了解颇多,知道他是旧约或希伯来圣经中的神。他就是那个神!他们知道这一点!然而,当他们与“我就是”面对面时,他们却无法接受这一点!这确实让他们感到极大的震惊。但在这里,我们看到约翰是唯一一个真正讨论这个问题的人,他确实告诉我们,并且在新约中向我们传达了这个“我就是”的权威。那么,神为什么会选择这个名字给他的儿子,他就是希伯来圣经中的“我就是”呢?所以这里有很多我们需要理解的内容。

3:38 Verse 6, and here’s what happened, “As  soon then as he had said unto them, I am… they went backward, and fell to the ground.”  Now, what did they know about the “I am” that made them fall backwards and fall to the ground?  That’s certainly STUNNING to think about it, somebody reacting that way, so they had to know a  lot about the “I Am” in the Old Testament or their Hebrew Bible. They HAD to know a lot about it. So He is, of course, the God of the Old Testament, and He was talking to them just shortly before  He was crucified, and they needed to understand this. So the Jews knew that this “I Am” was  a God of authority, a God that really had made BOLD statements in the Hebrew Bible and  also in the New Testament. So He ruled over Israel, and the Jews knew that, and knew  a lot about Him, and knew that He was the God of the Old Testament or the Hebrew Bible.  He was that God! And they knew that! And yet, when they came face-to-face with the “I  Am,” they just couldn’t accept that! It was really something that alarmed them immensely. But here we see that John is the only one that really discusses this, and he does tell you and  gets across to us even here in the New Testament about the AUTHORITY of this “I Am.” And WHY  would God be choosing that name for His Son, who was that “I Am” in the Hebrew Bible? So  there’s a lot here that we need to understand.  


6:13 In John 8 and verse 44, I want to read  this to you in this context here. It says, in talking about Satan, “Ye are of your father  the devil,” He was talking to some Jews, “and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was  a MURDERER from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him.  When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” I  mean, this view of the “I Am” and what HE taught was ABHORRENT to the devil—he hated that  and rebelled against it when he was Lucifer.  

6:58 然后在第58节中说:“耶稣对他们说,‘我实实在在地告诉你们,在亚伯拉罕还没有生之前,我就是。’”第59节:“他们就拿起石头要打他,但耶稣躲开了,走出圣殿,穿过他们中间,就这样过去了。”所以在这里,他们正向他扔石头,试图杀死他,因为他说他是“我就是”。现在,“我就是”做了他父亲告诉他要做的一切。所有的一切!而且他教导的都是他父亲教给他的,仅此而已!所以“我就是”不仅仅是——如果你看看经文——他不仅仅是顺服上帝,而是尽一切可能取悦上帝,他的父亲。对他的父亲完全的完美、顺服和爱!

6:58 Then verse 58, it says, “Jesus  said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am.” Verse 59, “Then took they up stones to CAST at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of  the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by.” So here He was, they  were throwing stones at Him, trying to KILL Him because He said He was the “I Am.” Now, the “I Am” did everything that His Father told Him to do. Everything! And He taught whatever  His Father taught Him, and that’s it! So the “I Am” not only—if you look at the scriptures—He not  only just OBEYED God, but He does everything He can to PLEASE God, His Father. Total perfection  and obedience and love toward His Father!  

8:05 现在,我们需要理解这一点,因为关于救赎有一些真理是我们需要的。所以让我们来探讨一下希伯来圣经或旧约中的“我就是”的一些行动。在出埃及记3章14节,注意这里所说的:“神对摩西说:‘我是自有永有的’;又说:‘你要对以色列人这样说:‘‘自有者’差我来见你们。’”现在,这个名字,看看,意味着“我将成为我将要成为的”,或者“我永远存在!”如果你查看这个希伯来词的根词,它的意思是:他是他想要成为的,当然是在父亲的指引下。但他将成为他想要成为的,他将做他想做的,无论何时何地。他还意味着,我将做我想做的,去我想去的地方。当然,这一切都是在服从父亲的背景下,但神在这些话中所说的是,耶稣基督或“我在”对他的父亲是完全顺从的。对他完全顺从,这给他的生活带来了极大的兴奋!我的意思是,你无法从生活中获得比这更多的东西,“我就是”从他的父亲那里获得的就是这一切。神希望我们知道,如果你像“我就是”那样仰望神,这种兴奋会给你的生活带来什么。

8:05 Now, we need to understand this because there  is something about salvation where we need this truth. So let’s get into a little action of the “I  Am” in the Hebrew Bible, or the Old Testament. In Exodus 3 and verse 14, notice what it says  here, “And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children  of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.” Now, that name, see, means I will be what I will  be, or I eternally exist! If you look at the root word of that Hebrew word, it means this: He  is what He wants to be, of course in the context of the Father’s direction. But He will be what He  wants to be, He will do what He wills to do, when and where He wants to. It also means, I will do  what I want to be, where I want to be. Of course, it was all in the context of obedience to the  Father, but what God is saying here in these words, is Jesus Christ or the “I Am” was perfectly  OBEDIENT to His Father. Perfectly obedient to Him, and it just brought the UTMOST OF EXCITEMENT  in His life! I mean you couldn’t get more out of life than THIS, that the “I Am” was getting  from His Father. And God wants us to know what that kind of EXCITEMENT that will bring in your  life if you look to God the way the “I Am” did.  

9:59 这将会给你的生活带来巨大的变化,变得更好,变得美好。这是上帝自己绝对的声明。让我再重复一遍:“他是他想要成为的样子。他会在他想要的时间和地点做他想做的事情。”这也意味着,“我会在我想要的时候,成为我想要的样子,以及我想要的方式。”但让我给你读一些我写的东西,这对我们理解这一切非常重要。以下是我写的:“约翰的目的是帮助理解基督的先存性。‘我是’是永恒的,他在这一章中提到‘我是’三次。这是旧约中的上帝,他对以色列有着非常权威的地位。”

9:59 It’s going to make an ENORMOUS CHANGE in your  life, and a BETTER one, and a WONDERFUL one. THAT is an absolute statement from God, Himself. Let me repeat that. “He is what He wants to be. He will do what He wills to do, when  and where He wants to.” It also means, “I will be what I want to be when I want  to be it, and how I want to be it.” But let me read you something that I wrote, along  with that, that really makes important to us to understand what this is all about. Here’s what I  wrote, “John’s purpose was to help to understand the preexistence of Christ. The “I Am,” who is  Eternal, and he talks about the “I Am” three times in the chapter alone. This is the God of the Old  Testament who was very AUTHORITATIVE over Israel.  

10:58 他是伟大的麦基洗德,他说:“我将成为我想成为的任何人,前提是符合上帝的旨意、上帝的法律和上帝的召唤。”当然,他充满了兴奋,但这一切都在上帝的旨意、上帝的法律和上帝的召唤的背景下。这显然是非常合法的。但耶稣基督拥有上帝赋予他的所有力量,因为他在顺从父亲方面是完美的。这就是“我在”,它给我们的生活带来了无法想象的兴奋!这就是这里所说的。那是一种难以形容的激动和灵感,还有一种美妙、奇妙的真理,充满了喜悦和幸福,我稍后会向你展示。

10:58 He is the great Melchizedek who said, “I will be  whatever I want to be, within the context of God’s purpose and God’s law and God’s calling.” Sure, He  had all this excitement, but it was in the context of God’s purpose and God’s law and God’s calling.  It all obviously was very lawful. But Jesus Christ had all this POWER that God gave Him because He  was PERFECT in obeying His Father. That’s the “I Am,” and it brings excitement in our lives like  you can’t even IMAGINE! That’s what it’s saying here. There’s just a THRILL and an INSPIRATION  that is hard to describe, and a wonderful, wonderful truth that fills you with joy and  happiness, and I’ll show you that later.  

12:07 但在这里,上帝真正解释了基督通过完美地服从上帝所拥有的那种自由。我的意思是,他拥有一种你无法想象的自由,除非你在上帝面前是完全完美的。当然,没有人能像基督那样完美,因为我们都是罪人,而他不是!他从未犯过罪!而父亲赋予他在地球和宇宙上统治的所有权威,所有的一切都在父亲的指引之下,但看看上帝给予那个人的恩赐和奖励,因为他对父亲是完美的。

12:07 But here God is really EXPLAINING the kind  of FREEDOM that Christ had by obeying God PERFECTLY. I mean, He had the kind of freedom  that you can’t even imagine, unless you’re totally perfect before God. And of course, nobody  can be perfect the way Christ was, because we are sinners and He was not! He never did sin!  And the Father gives Him ALL this authority to rule over the Earth and the universe, and  everything there IS under the Father’s direction, but look at what God GIVES that man and REWARDS  Him with because He was PERFECT toward His Father.  

13:02 他来到这个世界,教导的正是父所教导的。 他所教的一切都是父所教的。他告诉我们这一点。因此,他是永恒存在的,正如我所说,还有另一段经文告诉我们,他顺从并且取悦父亲。不仅仅是顺从他,而是取悦他!这是一种我们并不太理解的顺从,而这是我们可能拥有的关于如何生活以及如何将所有这些兴奋带入我们生活的最伟大例子。不是虚假的幻想,而是真理!现实!真实的现实!

13:02 And He came to this Earth and TAUGHT EXACTLY what  the Father taught Him. Everything He taught was what the Father taught. He tells us that. So, and He eternally exists, so and as I said, there’s another Scripture that tells you He obeys  and also PLEASES the Father. Not just obeying Him, but PLEASING Him! That is a kind of obedience that  we really don’t understand very well, and it’s just the greatest example that we could possibly  have on how to live and how to bring all of this excitement into our lives. Not phony fantasy,  but the TRUTH of God! REALITY! Real reality!  

13:59 这不是幻想,就像你在这个世界上随处可见的那样。这是一个幻想的世界。他们生活在一个不是上帝的世界里,这是一个虚假的世界,一个幻想的世界,它带来了很多不应存在的痛苦,如果我们愿意倾听“我在”。犹太人反叛了,这个世界上的其他人也大多如此。因此,这种兴奋确实带来了很多快乐和幸福,其他人无法相比,除非他们充满了那种美好的上帝真理。但在这里,如果你仔细想想,听起来基督是如此的平衡。我的意思是,他完全按照父亲教导他的去做。但这让他充满了言论自由,各种各样的快乐和幸福,仅仅是拥有这个真理,这个美好的“我在”的榜样,让我们所有人都能在生活中真正追随。我们需要追随这个榜样。马太福音5章48节说,基督告诉我们要像我们的父亲一样完美。现在,我们可以在态度上做到完美,上帝希望我们始终为此而奋斗!这将为你的生活带来你从未想象过的辉煌事物!但在这里,你看,路西法对此感到厌恶!

13:59 Not fantasy, like you find in this world all the  time. It’s a world of fantasy. They’re living in a world that is not God’s, and it’s a FAKE world,  a FANTASY world, and it brings a LOT of suffering, which should not be here, if we would listen to  the “I Am.” The Jews rebelled and so does the rest of the people in this world, for the most part. So this kind of excitement really does bring a lot of joy and happiness that nobody else has  to compare with, unless they are just FILLED with that wonderful truth of God. But here if you just think about, it sounds like Christ was just BALANCED. I  mean, He did EXACTLY what the Father taught Him. But that just filled Him with freedom of  speech, and all kinds of joy and happiness, just to have this truth, this wonderful “I Am”  example for all of us to really follow in our lives. We need to follow that example. And Matthew 5 and verse 48 says, Christ told us to become PERFECT as our Father is  perfect. Now, we CAN be perfect in attitude, and God expects us to battle for THAT  ALWAYS! And that will bring glorious things into your life that you’ve never imagined! But here again, you see, Lucifer HATED that!  

15:58 他非常厌恶这一点!在约翰福音第8章第42节中说:“耶稣对他们说:‘如果神是你们的父,你们就会爱我;因为我是从神那里出来的,我不是凭自己而来,而是他差我来的。’” 他差我来,我来到这里,因为他差我来并告诉我该说什么。而路西法对此完全不喜欢!他开始对此产生真正的问题,自从路西法变成撒旦以来,他一直是一个谋杀者。从一开始就是谋杀者,在他里面没有真理!没有!正好与“我在”相反!我们必须确保不跟随撒旦,魔鬼,他是这个世界的神(哥林多后书4章4节),而他正好与“我在”相反!如果我们要进入神的国度,我们必须克服的就是这个存在。但请再次注意。他在第28节中说:“……我没有凭自己做任何事;”完全是为了他的父亲和神的工作。然后,我的意思是你必须考虑他所拥有的那种谦卑。腓立比书2章说他谦卑至死,他总是在那里做父亲的旨意。他说,我什么都不能做。我什么都不是。离开神,他就是在说这个。我凭自己什么都做不了!但如果我仰望我的父,我就能做一切,并且做到完美!

15:58 He HATED it! In verse 42 it says, of John 8,  “Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and  came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.” He sent Me and I came here  because He sent Me and told Me what to say. And Lucifer didn’t like that at all! And he began  to have a real problem with that, and he has been a MURDERER from the beginning, when Lucifer  became Satan. A murderer from the beginning, and there’s no truth in him! None! Just the  OPPOSITE of the “I Am!” We have to make SURE we don’t follow Satan, the devil, who is the god  of this world (II Corinthians 4 and verse 4), and he’s just the opposite of the “I Am!” And  that’s the being we have to overcome if we’re going to enter into God’s Kingdom. But notice again. He said in verse 28, “…I do nothing of myself;” nothing of Myself.  It was all for His Father and the Work of God. And then I mean you just have to think about  the kind of HUMILITY He had. He was humble unto DEATH it says in Philippians 2, and He was  always there to do the Father’s will. He said, I can do NOTHING. I am nothing. Apart from  God, that’s what He was saying. I can of My own self do nothing! But I can do EVERYTHING  and do it PERFECTLY if I look to My Father.  

18:02 这是我们对“我在”的惊人理解。上帝希望我们看到并理解这是什么样的,并努力理解耶稣基督所享受的,以及上帝给予他的奖励,因为他在做父亲所说的一切时是完美的。你谈论政府、团结和和谐!这就是永恒以来的状态,直到路西法叛逆。这是我们的历史。他对此感到厌恶,而耶稣基督,“我在”,他到处宣称他的父亲比他伟大。他总是在那里谈论他父亲的伟大。

18:02 This is an amazing understanding that we need of  the “I Am.” God wants us to SEE and UNDERSTAND what it’s like, and try to get the understanding  of what Jesus Christ enjoyed and what rewards God gave Him because He was PERFECT in doing whatever  the Father said. You talk about government and unity and harmony! That’s the way it was for  all eternity, until Lucifer rebelled. That’s our history. He hated that, and Jesus Christ, the  “I Am,” He went around saying that His Father was greater than He was. He was there always to  talk about the greatness of His Father.  

18:58 然后是第10章第33节,我可以给你读一下,我会解释一下。它只是说,因为如果你作为一个人让自己成为神,那就是犹太人对基督所说的。为什么,你让自己成为一个神!但他确实是肉身中的神!他是“我就是”!他也是神!这使得看到一位伟大的神,话语和神的儿子,完全服从于他的父亲更加奇妙。这是关于家庭!建立神的家庭!我们需要理解“我就是”才能真正领会神希望我们理解的方式。

18:58 And then [chapter] 10 and verse 33, I can read  that to you, I’ll paraphrase it. It just says, because if you being a man make yourself God,  that’s what the Jews said of Christ. Why, you’re making yourself a God! But He WAS God  in the flesh! He was the “I Am!” and He is God, too! That makes this all the more wonderful to  see one great God, the Word and the Son of God, be totally obedient to His Father. It’s about  Family! Building God’s Family! And we need to understand about the “I Am” to really comprehend  that the way God would like for us to.  

19:49 注意约翰福音10章34节所说的。它说:“耶稣回答他们,岂不是写在你们的律法中,我说,你们是神吗?”是的,确实如此。你去诗篇82篇可以找到这一点。然后他谈到他们被称为神。我们有成为神的潜力!这就是上帝的整个计划,就是在人的身上重塑自己!这就是我们在这里的原因!有多少人知道并理解这一点呢?哦,如果我们能实现我们的潜力,而不是跟随撒旦,魔鬼,那将是多么令人震惊的美好未来啊。这才是真正的问题开始的地方。

19:49 Notice what it says in John 10 and verse 34. It  says, “Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?” Yeah, it certainly  does. You go to Psalm 82 and you can find that. And then He talked about them being called gods.  We have the POTENTIAL to be God-beings! That’s God’s whole plan is re- creating Himself in  man! That’s why we’re here! And how many people know that and understand it? And oh, what a mind-  staggering wonderful future that is, if we’ll just fulfill our potential, and not follow Satan, the  devil. That’s where the problem really begins.  

20:39 现在我们来看看诗篇82章第5节,你可以看到这里写道:“他们不知道,也不明白;他们在黑暗中行走:地的根基都动摇了。” 地的所有根基!在这篇诗篇写成时,它们就已经动摇了!这个世界的一切都在崩溃!你知道为什么吗?因为我们没有实现我们的潜力!我们在这个世界上反叛它。我们必须意识到,这意味着所有的宗教、政治、教育、科学——它们的根基都已经动摇了!

20:39 And we’ll go now to Psalm 82 and verse 5, and  you can see here, “They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all  the foundations of the earth are out of course.” All the foundations of the Earth! They were out  of course when this was written in the Psalms. Everything is COLLAPSING in this world! Do  you know why? Because we’re not fulfilling our potential! We’re rebelling against it in this  world. We simply have to realize it means that all religions, politics, education, science—  they have foundations that are out of course!  

21:25 我们必须看到这一点!“凭着他们的果子,你们就可以认识他们。”四周看看!发生了什么?这就是我们给予这个世界的——可怕的果实!这正是我们必须真正看到和理解的。这些是世界的基础!这一切都必须放在上帝的轨道上!这非常关键,我们必须这样做。诗篇82章第6节说:“我曾说,你们是神;你们都是至高者的儿子。”或者说至高者的儿子。

21:25 We have to see that! “By their fruits you shall  know them.” Look around! What’s happening? This is what we have given to this world—fruits that  are horrifying! That’s what we have to really see and understand. These are the foundations of  the world! And that all has to be put on God’s course! And that is critical that we do. Verse 6 says, of Psalm 82, “I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of  the most High.” Or sons of the Most High.  

22:11 你看?你们是神!上帝试图向我们传达这一点,特别是“我在”帮助我们更全面地理解这一点。正如赫伯特·阿姆斯特朗所说,这是一种几乎令人难以置信的未来,但它确实存在!这就是上帝在人的内心中所建立的东西,这在人的身上是非常特别的。我们不是动物!我们是人,拥有人的灵魂,因此我们有圣灵与之相连,顺服上帝,拥有上帝的心思,拥有上帝的品格(创世纪1章26节)。我们看起来像上帝,他希望我们建立上帝的品格!所以我们在这里有很多值得感恩的事情,然后他继续说:“我因此对你们说,你们必因自己的罪而死;因为如果你们不相信我就是,”那么你们的未来将非常黯淡。

22:11 See? You are gods! God is trying to get this  across to us, and especially the “I Am” helps us to get that more fully into our minds. It  is a future that is, as Herbert Armstrong said, it’s almost UNBELIEVABLE but it’s true!  That’s how much God is building within man, something that’s very special about man. We’re  not animals! We’re men, with a spirit of man, so that we have the Holy Spirit attached to  that, and obey God and have the very MIND of God, the very CHARACTER of God (Genesis 1 and  verse 26). We look like God, and He wants us to build the CHARACTER of God! So we have a lot to be thankful about here, and then He goes on to talk about again,  “I said therefore unto you, that ye shall die in your sins: for if ye believe not that I  am,” then you have a very bleak future.  

23:23 上帝希望我们取悦他,服从他,取悦他,拥有完美的婚姻和完美的家庭,以及上帝希望我们所有人都拥有的真正幸福。真正的幸福!约翰福音13章16和17节说,如果你们做到这一切并遵循我的榜样,你们就会快乐。直到下周,我是杰拉尔德·弗拉里,朋友们再见。

23:23 And God, He wants us to PLEASE Him, to OBEY Him  and PLEASE Him, and have perfect marriages andperfect families, and real HAPPINESS that God  wants all of us to have. REAL happiness! John 13 and verses 16 and 17 says, if you do all  this and follow My example, you will be happy. Until next week, this is Gerald  Flurry, goodbye friends.



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